
Inter [Enter] - Fere [Fear] - The entrance of fear

We’re swimming in a sea of interference. In birth, in governance, in medical choice, in our food system, with non native EMF’s inundation, with our media outlets, all of it — entrance of fear. Manipulation. Control. The English language give multiple definitions of interference: one being the obstruction or blocking of and another referring to the meeting of two wave trains (as of light or sound) that constitutes alternating areas of increased and decreased amplitude. A dissonance. Incoherence.

Recently, I stumbled across a study in NIH on the use of Pitocin in labor. “Due to its potent effects on social behavior, including maternal behavior, oxytocin has been identified as a potential mediator of postpartum depression and anxiety.”

The design of Pitocin is to mimic our original instructions for oxytocin — a hormone mediated response that vasodilator or vasoontricts depending on organ need, but in and around birth and labor, contracts the myoepithelial layer of cells in smooth muscle tissue (ie contraction of the uterus during birth as baby descends and directly postpartum as uterus returns to a designated size).

What we’re actually witnessing with the use of “Pit,” as many medical providers refer to it, is an increase in depression and anxiety immediately following birth in Mama’s that have agreed to receive this drug.

This is one simple example of the dissonance we’re experiencing, and that many families haven’t come to the realization of. As many birthing individuals are somewhat coerced into using such drug, without proper informed consent. And what’s the fix if we see this likely outcome post Pitocin usage? More drugs. More incoherence. More disconnect.

There’s a bigger question at play. It’s a systemic issue. Where does the interface begin? Where is the first entrance of fear? And how do we mitigate opportunities for this cycle to continue?

A counterfeit will never be the real thing. Settling for Pitocin vs creating an oxytocin heightened environment. Trading bigger, more beautiful, GMO, potentially cheaper food, for locally grown. Keeping quiet to stay comfortable and “safe” instead of imploring boldness and risk for freedom. Exchanging love for fear. Exchanging sense of safety of an experience instead of strength in an opportunity of transformation.

We’ve taken birth out of the home and into the hospital, enter fear. Then we take the sanctity and power of birth away from mothers. Over 33% of the time birth is transitioned out of the vagina and under control of a sacapel, enter fear. More recently, we’re taking life creation out of the bedroom and into a petri dish. How far will we let fear penetrate? What will it take to reverse the waves and bring coherence?

Many midwives say, peace on earth begins with peace at birth. Many issues could be solved by choosing to educate women on the power of their body. Let’s change the way we bring new life into this world and observe the transformation. End fear. End interference.