What is real immunity? How can we lose the fear? Among this viral epidemic who are the experts searching for safe, non-toxic, sustainable methods to for humanity’s health?
There is a wisdom within your body that joined another cell to create YOU — a living, breathing human and this didn’t happen from any outside help, knowledge, education or synthetic medication. This same intelligence has created for all of us a built in defense mechanism — IMMUNITY.
Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to boost natural by 200%.
Our immune systems are sophisticated network of cells, tissues, and organs that work harmoniously to defend the body against foreign invaders. Immune cells communicate when direct physical contact occurs by releasing chemical messengers.
Some of the undercover, but most crucial initial barriers to outside invaders is our skin and digestive and respiratory tracts. Have you ever found yourself wondering what is the point of mucus in your throat? Or hairs in your nose? Or compulsive expelling air from the lungs as known as sneezing?
These mucosal surfaces (nose, mouth, vaginal canal, digestive tract) secrete IgA (a type of immune cell), in response to initial invaders. Beyond the first line of defense, various immune cells (macrophages, B cells, T cells, phagocytes) wait for microbes that might get beyond the surface barriers.
Certain immune cells are triggered to make antibodies. These specialized proteins (antibodies) lock onto specific antigens and STAY in a person's body. That way, if the immune system encounters that specific foreign invader again, the antibodies are INNATELY READY TO RESPOND. Hint: This is why when an individual gets sick with a disease, (cough: chicken pox and many of the viruses we have vaccines for) they are less likely to contract the sickness again.
The immune system is built of multiple layers and has an army of cells ready at all times.
It is crazy to think any of us believe immunity is delivered from the end of a needle or with a pill. We all learn in freshman year biology class that truest immunity is a defense mechanism given to us in the womb, continuing its development throughout our entire lives. And what modern science is providing research for is that immunity encompasses all parts of ourselves - mental, physical, emotional, even spiritual.
What if we switched from focusing on fear of contracting a pathogen, suppression of symptoms, quarantining and sanitizing to the realization that when we have a cut, IT HEALS — by the innate intelligence withIN.
Where have we lost the trust that when our body comes into contact with an outside organism, our bodies are PERFECTLY designed to do a dance with that organism, to learn from the presence of the organism and strengthen my body and immunity from that experience.
This is the magic of life to remember in this time. There is something larger, more potent at work within and around us — trust it.