By H A N D Only

What does it mean to live a life adjusted?

It means living a life of A W A R E N E S S. The Chiropractic adjustment isn’t about making you feel better, its about making you feel. Living a life of F E E L I N G. You need to feel to heal and through the adjustment your innate power to heal can be found. The adjustment facilitates an increased connection to L I F E.

Chiropractic Adjustment- By HAND Only

Chiropractic is the world’s largest, drugless healing art. The principles start with the understanding that the body has the power to heal itself. The essence of this profession is to reconnect man the spiritual with man the physical. As Chiropractors we utilize our touch and H A N D S as a means of connection to work with the nervous system, delivering gentle spinal adjustments. The nervous system, the master system, controls all systems of the body – muscular, glandular, respiratory, circulatory, immunological and hormonal, etc. This self-created and regulated, nervous system works closely with the spinal system to perceive, receive and integrate your internal and external world. We reduce stress related interference to the nervous system, thereby enhancing overall body function.

One of the best explanations on what a subluxation is, comes from my sister, Corey Belt. “It is the responsibility of your nervous system to learn and adapt from the stressors of everyday life: physical, chemical, and emotional. When these stressors are just too much, they are sometimes “stored” in our body to be integrated and learned from at a later time. Chiropractors call this a subluxation.” I believe this storage of energy, subluxation, is our body’s God-given ability to protect and adapt in that moment. But, when subluxation occurs, the body’s efficiency to A D A P T to new experiences is decreased. “Simply put, the brain-body connection is disrupted resulting in a cascade of neurological and chemical effects. Your neuro-spinal system communicates to you about internal balance, health and the changes you need through the language of symptoms. Most commonly, these effects are recognized as pain and/or tension. However, subluxation can also address emotional trauma, mental processes and growth as it applies to awareness and human consciousness.” The adjustment brings awareness to the body, reconnecting physical elements to spiritual elements.

Living with a clear nervous system allows the body optimal adaptation. Through the chiropractic adjustment, we can remove this interference and liberate the nervous system. Being well adjusted means living a life curious about symptoms our bodies create. Knowing that every symptom we feel is a message from within, your inner knowing. When we live interference free, we allow ourselves to move better, think more clearly and express L I F E the way our creator designed us to.

I am so extremely grateful for those in my life (shout out to my Kairos Training Culture family) that continue to remind me of this truth and inspire me to share it with y’all. If you or anyone you know desires a living a life full of expression, get in touch and I will help you find a ChiropracTOR in your area.
