What is fear? Fear, unease, worry, distress, scare, concern, despair. Something we have all experienced. A state that some may experience on a daily basis. Meriam – Webster describes fear as “an unpleasant emotion by the belief that someone of something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.” But does it always have to be unpleasant?

Fear is a deeply anchored ancestral instinct. Through history it has proved to be an evolutionary vital one. When we are in a dangerous situation, fear creeps in and switches our nervous system to a sympathetic state, better known as “fight or flight” response. Fear is a marketing tactic. In America we experience this through politics, the health care system, the birthing process, the list goes on..

Fear brings a sense of A W A R E N E S S.

Starting this blog, one of the biggest emotions that came to the surface was F E A R. I was scared about what others would think when they read my words. I was afraid to find out what others will think when I share my personal truths aloud. I was afraid someone had already written something better. What if my work is not enough to make a difference in anyone’s life? What if I’m rejected? What if I look back on these creative endeavors and find it to be a giant waste of time and effort? What if?

What is opposite of fear? C O U R A G E. “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Two books that gave me courage to give myself permission to show up and share my truth, “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert and “Braving the Wilderness” by Brene Brown. These books will give you the space to question your capacity. I want to live a life without fear. A life free from fear of risky decisions, big love, sudden changes or failure. This is what brings us alive.

You know that little feeling of resistance? Ya, the one we avoid. The feeling that comes up when you get the idea to write a blog. Or the one when you’re asked to speak in front of an audience. The resistance that is possibly accompanied by a small voice in your head. The one that tries to talk you out of it? The voice that assures you you’re find where you’re at. “What if you fail?” I’m here to suggest, what if you fly? A mentor of mine once suggested, just maybe the feeling of resistance is something you should lean into.

Fear brings a sense of awareness to the resistance. Growth happens between resistance and leaning over that line.  I’m learning to lean in.

Thank y’all for joining along in this journey with me.