Introducing guest blogger, Abbi Elbaum!! Better known as instagram's @docfromthefuture. My friend Abbi is a Doctor of Chiropractic, researcher, artist and phenomenal human being among many other things. In this week's Living Adjusted post, through her own experiences, she shares her passion to awaken and care for our environment and the human race.
“Let me see the science behind climate change.”
“There’s no money in renewable energy.”
“Shh, shhh...”
Memoirs of a Chirokid:
I’ve always been a bit of a sensitive being. I can remember the night my second grade self told my father I wanted to be a vegetarian, after I buried the chicken from dinner in the back yard and said a prayer of apology. I felt everything so intensely back then, and still do to this day. But don’t worry- there’s a load more good than bad.
The empathy did not stop at the borders of the animal kingdom. I would go into patches of grass and open my arms out wide as I lay face down, kissing and thanking Earth out loud for being such a great home. I’ve lost it a few times when I would see multiple football fields worth of deforestation or factories with white smoke billowing out of them. I could go on but, eh. I think you get the picture.
Embarrassing story telling is easily my parents’ favorite pastimes when I bring friends for dinner.
Once I realized the trash can was not some magic hole that you use when you want something to disappear, I avoided it at all costs. When I would discard, I’d follow that piece around the world in my head, speeding up its infinite lifetime. I would imagine my plastic bag from the grocery store floating in the wind, my balloon in the ocean.
In high school, I started to become a little obsessed. The more I learned about the impact the industrialized human lifestyle was creating upon the planet, the brighter my passion to do my part. My inner gentle hippie grew into an undercover recycling police squad, slyly stealing paper and plastic out of open trash cans to recycle at home later. This metamorphed into the dark ages of Sustainability Nazi, eventually returning to my true nature.
Through trial, error and time came the learning and unlearning of methods to live in such a way that wouldn’t give me the anxiety I would feel underneath when witnessing mass acts of no f*cks given at parties, sporting events or music festivals.
A self realized truth created this peace: everyone, including me, has a remarkable amount of power over their own life, and the same goes with climate change. All my actions
everything I think, feel, say, eat, buy
is all my choice.
As consumers, we own a large responsibility in determining the market. The supply follows the demand. I get to choose which company I support by which brand I pay for. What do they stand for? How sustainable is their product? Or the packaging of the product?
The secret is being present. When I am present with my actions before I invest, I have the ability to tap inward and ask, “is this good? For me, and for the planet? Do I really need this sh*t at all?” While living fully, this consciousness permeates all action. It is from this place that the decision to act in congruency rather than out of convenience comes with ease.
So, my friends, I invite you to open up, feel a little bit more. Examine every piece of your life, one step at a time as you walk through it. Remember your pachamama in all the decisions you make. It is going to take all of us to turn the sails. The more we awaken, the more it will hurt at times.
It’s a good thing pain is one of the strongest catalysts for change.
So, to you I say thank you. For every time you choose to use your pants instead of a paper towel. For every time you ride your bike to work. For every time you don’t forget your reusable grocery bags.
We can do this, if we all become conscious that we are problem- and also the solution.
I love you.