The Lies That Bind

Trigger Warning: This is likely to challenge commonly held beliefs and could offend your ego. Deep breath.

You don’t make other people sick.

Nope, not even if you have a certain V that starts with C. The current state of humanity is living in fear. The last 3 years have been chaos. Causing it’s individuals the need to unconsciously and consciously control everyone/ everything around us. The narrative we’re being fed is that each individual is responsible for the health of the collective. And by complying to a set of regulations, keeping distance, vaccinating, etc safety is ensured. I’d like to challenge that held belief (no surprise there). But hear me out…

Let’s think about this in relation to the world of psychology. We can liken it to a scenario you may be familiar with; someone else making you mad. If someone walks up to you and slanders you, your character, or your neighbor in the grocery store isle makes eye contact then avoids you. Immediately the chemistry of our body changes. Our heart rate increases, shoulders rise and the skin on your face flushes. Are they making us feel the emotions of anger? No. Did they force our body chemistry to change? No. It was our choice. Completely our choice of chemistry. What would have happened if you didn’t know who they were? Would your body chemistry have changed the same way? Most of us are under a subconscious hypnosis. Reacting rather than responding. With each reaction, simply childhood wounding at play. Even then, we still have a choice. A choice to take this as a personal offense and react with anger. Or to move forward and take responsibility for what’s ours in a situation.

So what does this have to do with people getting sick?

The founder of chiropractic, DD Palmer, wrote, “If the germ theory were accurate, no one would be around to talk about it.” Big Pharma wants us to believe something else. To follow a “sick culture.” To pay portions of our weekly checks to “sick care” plans that are in place for EMERGENCIES. You wearing a face covering over your mouth cannot protect me. It’s my job to protect me, not yours.

If the conditioning that was shoved down our throat from the time we could talk was about taking responsibility for our health, we would be more consumed with the state of our terrain (internal health) than the pathogens (viruses, bacteria). The internal health is a culmination of balanced chemistry, spirituality, emotional regulation and physical alignment.

These are the lies that bind us. So if we can’t be responsible for others wellbeing, what IS our responsibility? First, lets look at what responsibility actually is.

Responsibility = to take back the ability to respond. As Merriam’s defines, it is the state of being accountable. In the Hawaiian culture, the word for responsibility is Kuleana. It is our duty, our responsibility, what we must do. Referring to each individual’s own values and accountability. Simply put: to take back what is yours.

Okay, so what IS our responsibility? Simply: TO KNOW THYSELF.

There is a Lao Tzu quote, “knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.” To ensure your own health - emotionally, physically, chemically, environmentally. It takes an internal knowledge, and a lot of trust in the creator. It’s the reason airlines tell us every time we’re about to take off, to put your oxygen mask on first. Put yours on, so you can be of service to the collective. To be accountable for how we RESPOND. To move to a place from reacting to responding and becoming conscious of our emotional state.

It is a courageous act to take back our ability to respond.

This lie is binding us. The lie that keeps us in a cultural hypnosis. Keeps us caged up. The lie in a narrative that has completely engulfed a culture. The lie of sick care. It’s hindering the growth of economies, the health of individuals, the connection of communities. What if we don’t participate in the lie? What if we take back our ability to respond? That’s a world I want to live in.