I was honored to be asked by my dear friend Molly to write a blog post for her pride and joy Living Adjusted. However, I expressed my difficulties in choosing a topic. After some thought, she suggested that I write about the Divine Feminine. To which I replied something like, “What do I know about the Divine Feminine?” 😊 It is so funny how quick we are to renounce our gifts and find difficulty in understanding what others can so clearly see from the exterior. I am by no means an expert – I have many teachers that understand the Divine qualities and duality of life much better than I can probably ever express. However, I hope you find this post both enlightening and empowering.
It is valuable to first talk about the WHOLE. The ALL. The power the orchestrates and organizes our lives so beautifully. Chiropractors may call this Universal Intelligence. Religion calls it God. Spiritualists use terms such as One, Totality, the Infinite and Incorruptible Source. The list goes on and on.
When we make the decision to come into this earthly dimension, we commonly forget about our origins. We are birthed into these physical bodies and begin to associate “I” with the physical body. Our identity becomes so intimately intertwined with our body and this physical existence. We may begin to feel separate and incomplete. We may even forget that there is a SOUL inside these large, complex and amazing sensory organs we use to walk the Earth. We forget that we are SPIRITUAL BEINGS having a PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE.
If you draw a bucket of water from the ocean, is it still the ocean?
Likewise, the information contained in THE WHOLE, THE ALL is also within every single one of US. We have genius within us. Innate knowledge and wisdom that is unparalleled. It also goes by many names – Innate Intelligence, Holy Spirit, Soul… Totality is somewhere deep within us. However, we have forgotten and then it has been covered by layers and layers of “stuff.” Stuff meaning our belief systems, our conditioning, our environment. The agreements we have made with the external world – I am this or that. The labels that limit us from understanding our true and unlimited potential. Don’t be confused. I do not believe I AM GOD, but I definitely KNOW that I am OF God. We are on a Path. A path of remembrance. A path of empowerment and connection to that bigger thing that knows and rules all. The moment we realize we are truly made of that very same Intelligence, is the same moment we become free.
A totality within us means we have an equal balance of both masculine and feminine qualities. No matter the gender, we contain Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. However, the expression of these qualities commonly lies in favor of the Masculine. So much so, we have become unbalanced and sick. We live in a time and culture dominated by patriarchy and an overabundance of masculine qualities. Life is full of aggression, domination and ego. Life can even appear scary and evil. We have acts of hate, violence and natural disasters happening in the world around us every day. Mother Nature is literally kicking and screaming, knocking at our door – hoping that we can find balance before it’s too late. Where has the Divine Feminine gone? Have we forgotten her completely? How do we begin to restore balance?
The MICROCOSM always depicts the MACROCOSM. What we see at an individual level we see at the whole. Truly, the problems of the world are not OUT THERE. They are within.
“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awake all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the World, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.”
It starts with us. Man or woman, it begins with tapping into our femininity – our gentleness, our nurturing nature and our intuitiveness. Our power of manifestation and creation; birthing new life into this seemingly dying world. We all find our inner Goddess, Queen, Priestess, Warrioress, Lover and Wise Woman. We bring light and we become balanced. And in return, the WORLD becomes more BALANCED.
I look around and see so many people declare, “I want to change the world!” Although this is noble, we must start with self. It must start with deep introspection into what and who we really are. If we are truly OF GOD what is there to fix? Or must we just remember? Changing and or saving the world is a mighty heavy burden to place on oneself. I am here to declare that we must simply save ourselves. We connect again and again to the BIGGER SOMETHING and allow IT to carry the burden. Allow IT to work through us. We become the instrument of God. The hollow bone, so to speak. And as we remember who we are and return to our truth, living life in BALANCE, we influence others along the way. We become the out-stretched hand. We become the lighthouse. The power working through us becomes so self-evident others can’t help but be pulled onto the Path as well.
“If you want to become whole, Let yourself be partial. If you want to become straight, Let yourself be crooked. If you want to become full, Let yourself be empty. If you want to be reborn, Let yourself die. If you want to be given everything, Give everything up.”
- Corey Belt