Women's Health Restoration

Introducing, Dr. Courtney Gowin; a mom boss, Doctor of Chiropractic and all around holistic + organic farming lifestyle guru. Sharing some truth about the innate harmony found within each and everyone of us. 

courtney gowin - chiropractor

It begins in the womb. A vital life force that has the utmost intelligence and magnificence to create the most unique and diverse thing on the planet, human beings. I have the sacred honor to work with this innate intelligence every day, and see the miracles that our bodies are capable of, I am a chiropractor. Chiropractic and women’s health is like peanut butter and jelly (on gluten-free bread of course). Guys, chiropractic is absolutely for you so don’t leave this feeling left out, but this one is for the ladies.

Our bodies are absolutely AMAZING. We as women are given the sacred honor to be the vessel of new life that is brought into this world. Just sit and think for a minute about the inner workings of your entire body. Think about the perfect synchronicity of your heart and your lungs working together, the digestion of your breakfast, the perfect titration of hormones flowing through your blood, and about a billion other perfectly timed processes. Then throw in making a whole other human being! Amazing. So you may be wondering what chiropractic has to do with all of this, and my answer is chiropractic has everything to do with this.

Our bodies were so intelligent that in God’s perfect design the very first thing to be created was the central nervous system (the brain and the spinal cord) and everything else in the entire body comes from this source. This system has a very intimate relationship with the spine, which hopefully you know chiropractors are trained as experts in. What you may not know is that they are also trained as experts of the nervous system. We know that even the slightest imbalance in the spine can create a shift within the entire working ecosystem in the body. And women have a very delicate balance to keep when it comes to regulation of cycles, hormones, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and all of the amazing things we do on a daily basis. Next time you’re on google, pull up a meric chart and just take a look at how our autonomic nervous system is tied back into the spine, it is mind blowing. 

It is important to keep in mind that chiropractors do not treat conditions, but create and restore the innate harmony that is health within the body. In our office we get to see everyday how restoring the body’s ability to function and adapt properly can change a woman’s life. Whether that be the return of a normal menstrual cycle, restoring the confidence in her body to birth a baby naturally, getting pregnant when all hope was lost, or breastfeeding her newborn baby successfully, chiropractic can help. All of the things women do on a daily basis are amazing and the pressure we feel from the world to meet expectations of being a good mother, wife, daughter etc can be overwhelming at times. I understand, I just changed a diaper while breastfeeding a baby and wrangling a two year old on a seven hour flight, we do a lot.

Let this be a reminder that you are enough. You and this body you are temporarily living in are doing great, but please remember to slow down and take care of that body because it is the only place we have to live. I hope this was encouraging for you wherever you find yourself on this journey of life, and that this will refocus your lens a bit on what chiropractic brings to the table when it comes to women’s health.

Courtney Gowin, DC