The journey to and through Chiropractic school isn't easy... but undoubtedly worth it. As some of y’all already know, I am finally entering my last year of school aka the clinical portion. Hallelujah!!! My class of chiropractic interns will at last be able to serve the community with Chiropractic care under the advisement of staff doctors. In light of this new chapter, I took a few moments to reflect on the path I took to get to this much anticipated point in my career.
I am a true believer in divine orchestration. So many times in my life there have been occurrences that there is no explanation other than it being part of God’s plan for my life. It’s no doubt there are experiences all humans go through to place us exactly where we need to be. Like many other students and doctors within our profession, I found Chiropractic through sports performance. Just about all professions in the health care field were on my radar since my time as a youngin'. My family immediately saw signs of service rooted deep within my heart as well as a curiosity for the purpose of all things in this world. In hindsight, what a better career to choose other than chiropractic? A profession devoted to the path of discovering the intricacy of the relationship between the nervous system and innate intelligence. No, I didn't have a miracle story about how this type of care changed my life, but chiropractic was a form of healthcare that had continually shown up in my path to choosing a profession. There were multiple instances within the years receiving an undergraduate degree and competing in collegiate softball that kept pulling me back to the idea of holistic health care. As with many things in my life at that time, I resisted the pull. What I was truly seeking was a way to serve and to be a witness to the healing I knew was possible. I found every excuse to choose a more widely accepted or reliable profession, but ultimately the uniqueness and philosophy of Chiropractic drew me in.
From the moment I decided to research more about this path, my perception and life philosophy started shifting. Up to that point, I had carried somewhat type-A personality traits; methodical, in control and analytic mindset, especially concerning larger life decisions. The old me begin to shift when choosing Parker University. This felt like the first truly divine decision I had made up to that point. Being from northwest Missouri, I was asked so many times why I chose Dallas with having three other chiropractic schools closer to home. And I honestly still don’t have an answer other than how I felt the moment I stepped onto the campus. After two years, that feeling still hasn’t left.
It has been interesting while in school learning about the big idea of Chiropractic philosophy; connecting man the physical with man the spiritual. Before entering Parker University, I was disconnected in every sense of the phrase. I’m beginning to see the richness of being a Chiropractor is simply being an instrument for a greater intelligence to work through. We can’t truly quantify or gather evidence on how individuals will reorganize and integrate a force introduced to their system. Because as Chiropractors we work with the human nervous system; the most intricate and mysterious known entity. It is fluid, dynamic, seeking balance and continually evolving. This curiosity and deep appreciation for the intelligence lying within each of us has sparked my passion to serve through the deliverance of the chiropractic adjustment and education on holistic health and healing alternatives.
With the past two years of academics behind me, I am so absolutely grateful for my chance to finally serve the Dallas Fort Worth community. Grateful for the path that is behind me and for the wild ride ahead. It is commonly heard from doctors in the field saying that Chiropractic ‘chose them.’ This statement has never felt so true. This path to health and healing undeniably chose me and continues to time and time again. Like always, thanks for reading and I hope to have the opportunity to serve some of you readers on the next journey to graduation!!