Humans are so far removed from our true selves. We have lost our identities. Our genuine identity is buried beneath the diagnosis, beneath the social media accounts, beneath the person we lead our peers to think we are. We have allowed our identities to be crafted by others perception of ourselves; by society’s perception of who we are. In this loss of identity, we have completely forgotten about the power that emanates each one of us.
We have lost the power!! Why have we given over the responsibility for our own health, well being and mindset? Are you guilty of handing over the accountability to your health care provider? Have you put your health in their hands? Our society is accustomed to viewing health in an outside in approach. We have been conditioned to think that healing power lies within a pill !!?!? What about the power that lies withIN the body? We have been trained to quiet the intuition. We are trained to quiet the innate voice. We have lost the sense of limitless potential encased within our nervous system..
So, this is where alternative health care providers come in. To question. To seek the root cause. The role of any great healer is to awake the doctor withIN, but how can we do that if that power is not acknowledged? All the functions of your body from breathing, to digesting food, to healing your paper cut happens without a conscious thought. This is what we consider the internal doctor; the innate power within. At one point we have all recognized what our bodies were created for, but here’s a little refresher to help you REMEMBER.
The body’s power is seen in a number of ways. One of the most obvious is the ability to adapt and evolve. The human body continually grows in time into new identities; physically, emotionally, spiritually. We aren’t the same person we were as a child, as a teenager, last year or yesterday. Every experience accumulated is part of an evolutionary process propelling us. Take a moment to let this sink in.. On a purely physical level, new skin cells are shed and regenerated constantly. The cells that make up your small intestine are being recreated every 2-4 days. Components of what makes us, us are continuously dividing, regenerating and dying. Evolution at it’s core.
We are able to adapt. Our bodies were literally built with this divine, innate ability for adaptation. We see the physical manifestation of adaptability when working out or eating differently. Our bodies contain an immune system that is solely based on the adaptation principle; activated specifically in times of sickness. This is what Chiropractors consider the doctor within, the innate intelligence. When we have an infection, our body heats up in attempt to kill the pathogen aka you get a fever. Contrary to what we are lead to believe, this is a healing process! The body is so incredibly intelligent that it heats up, spikes the immune system to go to war and preserve its being. We see this incredible adaptability in the change of breath. Think about a time when you’re relaxed and compare it to a time when you were anxious. Your breath changes. This occurs so often that we forget and simply brush it off as just a normal biologic process. Every breath portrays intelligence. The body’s main objective with adaptation is to maintain a homeostatic state. The intelligence within our body craves and constantly seeks balance. This is the magic of life. Our bodies KNOW what they’re doing.
Let’s talk about pain. How astonishingly powerful is our body that it literally creates a signal letting us know something is off? It tells us that a change needs to be made. Pain is a divine connection. A divine communication between mind and body. I have found that most individuals try to rid themselves of the emotional or physical pain instead of being with it. What is that signal telling you? For years teachers and healers have said that we must continue to trust ourselves and look inward. It is essential for the reclaiming of power and responsibility of our own health. How can we decipher the needs of others if we don’t even recognize our own needs? Listen to what your bodies are telling you!
Now that the secret is out; YOU hold the power. YOU are the answer. When we connect to ourselves, it is so much easier to connect to those around us. Don’t be afraid of this power. It is divine. Hold hands. Lean into connection. Listen to what your body is telling you; its needs, its desires. It takes practice, but once we tap into this power, we can realize that the authority over our bodies is ours. We can peel back the layers and know our true identity.
There is a magical, unlimited, God-given potential INside of you. Why do we so often search outside of ourselves for answers? What if we looked within to find ourselves before finishing our to-do lists today? Let this divine light withIN shine! Reclaim the power.