Children and Chiropractic?

Children and C h i r o p r a c t i c?

What if someone told you that the chemical makeup of Ritalin could cause brain damage to your child? What if a doctor told you the antibiotics being prescribed to your little one is the reason they’re having issues with their gut? What if someone told you that the birth of your baby could affect how your child’s nervous system forms during developmental years? These thoughts are scary, but society is waking up to the idea that these “theories” can be proven.

What does being truly healthy look like for you? Although we have a movement shifting from being in a reactive health care community to a proactive one, our society as a whole still isn’t there yet. We are raising children in the sickest and most disease ridden generation history has seen. According to the CDC, 1 in 7 U.S. children between the ages of 2 and 8 years old have a mental health disorder. As a society, wouldn’t it make sense to look for another way to address this other than drugging our kids? Let’s figure out why. What is the root cause? Chiropractic care assists in addressing the root cause. We work with the body’s master system, the central nervous system; controlling the growth and development and adaptation of every single human. Chiropractors do not “treat” or “cure” conditions that are being diagnosed, but enhance the body’s physiology by bringing the body awareness and clearing the nervous system. This in turn allows the child to better adapt to the environment and lifestyle their bodies are in, often resulting in alleviation of symptoms.

So WHY would you want your child’s nervous system checked by a Chiropractor? What difference does it make? Although there are SO many benefits, and so little risk.. I choose to outline 5

  1. The chiropractic adjustment helps bring awareness of the body to the brain.By clearing the nervous system of interference, the brain will better be able to communicate with the body. This natural awareness often results in an increase in physical abilities, including posture, balance, coordination, as well as increases in behind the scene functions; neurological, emotional, endocrine, metabolic pathways, and more. The ease in function of these systems is especially important early in life, as 65% of the human nervous system is developed in the first year!
  2. Maximizes children’s neural plasticity and assists in balancing the hemispheres.
    Plasticity is your brain’s ability to change and evolve. This evolution is essential in the developmental process. The balance of all systems, especially that of the central nervous system is essential. This cannot be emphasized enough!
  3. Reduces neural cord tension and addresses other structural implications that often occur in the birthing process.
    We see so many littles with breast feeding issues, digestive issues, colic symptomatology, etc that could easily be subsided with ease of the spinal cord. We know that a baby that eats, sleeps and poops is a happy baby. A happy baby makes it easier to have proper positive bonding and attachment to mother; for example, easier time breastfeeding. One interesting correlation according to the Research of Developmental Psychology links a lack of bonding time between mom and baby directly to higher childhood depression rates.
  4. Strengthens immunity and reduces the incidence of colds, ear aches and general childhood illnesses.
    By addressing spinal subluxations via the Chiropractic Adjustment, the enhancement of the nervous system processes is seen to dramatically improve function of the immune system. This renewal, balancing and strengthening of the immune system can play a part in preventing a compromise/sickness from occurring or resolving one much quicker. Parents have been using chiropractic care for years; maintaining kids health, happiness and inhibiting  the “sickness” before it occurs.
  5. Improves the child’s spinal posture and allows for proper structural development.
    As a Chiropractic profession we can all agree that there are serious structural, neurological and metabolic implications of poor posture. Head forward posture is one of the most common! In severe cases, forward head posture actually reduces the brain and oxygen to the brain up to 30 percent! This can lead to a host of serious neurological issues as well. In today’s society, we are seeing implications of these postural habits in kids much earlier.
Babies Chiropractic Adjustment

The question I have for those that have read until this point; what do we consider normal in comparison to what we think is common? Do y’all truly think it is normal for children to have to rely on medication for health and proper development? Just because we see this type of development in childhood commonly, doesn’t mean its normal.

The National Center for Health Statistics states that the United States is 37 of ALL nations in infant mortality. We are getting sicker and sicker because of the drugs that are being thrown at us. Do you want a healthier country? Start with the kiddos. Let’s get their nervous systems check and allow them more life per moment!
